Friday, August 21, 2020

All About Chrysanthemums

Mums are a lovely addition to any fall display

It's that time of year again, when every grocery store, garden center and hardware place has a display of Mums out front. They come in a lovely variety of Autumn colors - yellow, orange, burgundy and bronze. Perhaps you've purchased one (or more) before or had one gifted to you and you didn't really know what to do with it. Never fear! Here's what you need to know. 

First off, Chrysanthemums, or mums, come in two basic varieties: garden or hardy mums and florist mums. Florist mums are much more sensitive and unless you live way down south, they will die outside in the winter. Generally, if you get a  florist mum, keep it inside, in direct sunlight and don't let the soil dry out. People usually treat them like a temporary houseplant and then toss them when they are done blooming. 

Florist Mum, note the larger blooms. 

Garden, or hardy mums prefer the out of doors. They will do better kept cool. You can buy these plants in a decorative pot for a front porch display or you can buy smaller ones to refresh your annual beds for the fall. Keep in mind, though, that hardy mums are perennials. They will die down to the ground over winter and shoot up new sprouts in the Spring. You can plant your hardy mums into the ground any time during the fall. Mums do best in full sun but otherwise are not too particular. 

When I pick out a mum plant, I want one that is just budding
out like this and isn't in full bloom yet. Then I'll get to enjoy it's
flowers for longer. 

Like all plants, it's really important to keep in mind how big the plant will grow when it matures if you plant it in the ground for future display. The plants in the store are rather small but they can get much larger and year or two from now, so give them space. 

Well, that is it on mums. They are really easy to take care of and just lovely in the fall. Do you have any favorite varieties or growing tips to share? Feel free to comment below!

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