Sunday, February 24, 2019

A Personal Update

Personal updates from me on this blog are exceptionally rare but you'll notice a year long gap since my last post and I feel it requires a little explanation. My husband and I were foster parents of a delightful little boy for about 18 months and were hoping to adopt him. However, after all that time, the county decided to move him in with his birth Father.

The internet is full of rather abrasive opinions regarding foster care and all in encompasses and Lord knows I don't want to get into it. Just suffice to say, the experience was incredible painful and time consuming and I had to let the blog slip for a while.

However, one of the things that helps me work through hardship and pain is gardening. I love nature in general but there's just something about a garden, not matter how humble, that is good for the soul. That's why I love to write about gardening and share it with others and why I hope you enjoy my posts here. If you've been hurting or stressed out, try getting your hands dirty for a while.

Look for new posts here soon on gardening ideas, updates, and helpful information.

Thanks for reading!
Janice Lilly

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