Friday, March 9, 2018

Seed Starting With Kids

Generally speaking, I hate seed starting. It's a lot of work to do it well and requires a lot of special equipment, or at least a sun room. If you go through all of that successfully (meaning the seeds sprout) then you have to go through the process of hardening them off. What a pain! However, if you turn seed starting into a fun and educational project I can do with my daughter, then I'll consider it.
This year, I'd love to try "Red Cherry Marigolds" from Baker Creek Seeds in my front window boxes so I started them inside this week. If you too are blessed with special little helpers, then this is for you!

Heads up, this project will be really messy so plan accordingly.

Here is what you'll need:
>One or more cardboard egg carton (not Styrofoam)
>Potting soil
>Baking sheet or tray
>Small watering can

1. Let your helper fill the egg carton half full of soil. (I found it was easier for her if I put the soil into a large bowl first.)
2. Have your helper sprinkle water over the soil to dampen it, then create a small hole in the center for the seeds.

3. Put one or two seeds in each hole. (I let my helper do this but had to fix it when she put a lot of seeds in one hold and said they were having a party. She's three.)
4. Let your helper finish filling the egg carton with soil and water more.
5. Place egg cartons on tray and place in a sunny window.

Like I said, we used marigolds for this but other great seeds for little ones (because of the larger size of seed and ease of germination) include sunflowers, zinnias, bachelor buttons, green beans, peas, and corn. About the beginning of May, you can plant the seedlings outside by just separating the different sections of egg carton with scissors. The card board can be planted and will disintegrate over time.

Have you ever done seed starting with kids? Be sure to post about it in the comments below. 

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet that those seeds were having a terrific party.
