Thursday, April 25, 2019

Safety First!

It's ironic that tonight finds me writing about gardening safely. Earlier today found me doing several hours of hard work at church and I am sore. Over doing it isn't the only way to hurt yourself while gardening. All of the numerous health benefits of gardening, and there are many, might not be so beneficial if you're sick, sore, itching, or even in the hospital. So here are some of my best safety tips for enjoying your garden pain - free.

First, learn from my mistake and learn to pace yourself. I'll admit to being 38 years old and while that's not old, it's not 18 either. I've had to learn to do what I can handle without pulling muscles or exhausting myself. Projects don't need to all get done in one day.

Second, protect yourself from the sun. If you're pale like me, then you really should have a good sun hat and sunblock. No one likes sunburn.

Third, keep bug spray handy. Once last summer I forgot to bring bug spray with me to a job and I got so bit up by mosquitoes that I felt sick. Here in Pennsylvania, tick's carry a variety of diseases so bug spray is important.

Fourth, protect your back. Gardening inevitably requires some lifting and it's just too easy to put your back out. This past January I sprained my back bad enough that I can still remember the pain. No matter what your age, treat your back well and use good posture.

Fifth, respect your garden tools. Naturally, most people know to read instructions and wear eye protection while using power tools. However, even a sharp hoe or pitch fork can cause injury. I have an irrational fear of stabbing myself in the foot with my pitchfork while turning my compost pile. Be sure too, to have small children at a safe distance while using any sharp garden tools.

Finally, keep a water bottle handy. It's just too easy to loose track of time and get dehydrated while working outside. Having water handy is a big step toward staying healthy.

What about you? Do you have any suggestions or stories involving safety in the garden? Please post in the comments below.

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