Friday, July 5, 2019

Enjoy Public Gardens

Asticu Gardens In Maine
Summer is, by far, the most popular time to travel. Coincidentally, it's also the best time to enjoy other people's gardens. What's better than enjoying the beauty of nature that you don't have to take care of? Perhaps in the hustle and bustle of summer travels to theme parks, beaches and sporting events you might have never thought to visit a public garden but few things are more relaxing! After a day or roller coasters and outdoor concerts, what better way to unwind than by strolling through a lovely natural setting and getting inspired? 

The Rose Garden at Hershey Gardens, PA
A few weeks ago we traveled to Mount Dessert Island in Maine and 2 highlights of the trip for me were the Wild Gardens of Acadia which showcased a lovely garden of native Maine plants in a forest setting and Asticou Gardens which highlighted Japanese garden design. Both were gorgeous, peaceful and very inexpensive.

If you're going out of town, or even having a nice stay--cation this year, make it a point to visit a new garden or two. In this age of technology, it only requires a quick google search to find them. Science has shown that time in nature is good for your physical, mental and emotional health. I have also found that it's a nice place to pray and feel closer to God. 

One regionally famous garden that I especially love is Longwood Gardens in south east Pennsylvania. They boast a huge conservatory, an authentic Italian water garden, Arboretum and so, so, so much more. Even children can enjoy this place as they have an indoor and outdoor children's garden. Seasonal displays ensure that it's worth visiting year round. No, thy don't pay me to blog about them, I just love the place. Unlike many public gardens, it is not inexpensive but it's worth it if you can get there.
Italian Water Gardens at Longwood Gardens

My daughter and I at Longwood Gardens
What public gardens do you like visiting? Please share about them in the comments below.


  1. Chanticleer garden in Wayne, PA

    1. I'll have to check that out next time I'm near Philly!
