Thursday, March 14, 2019

PA Garden Show of York 2019

In general, I'm a pretty positive person when it comes to anything about gardening. However, this was my third visit to the PA Garden Show of York and it might be my last. Nothing was terrible mind you, the people are nice and we didn't have any problems. It was just, well, the same thing every year.

While my husband perused the large assortment of wineries (a definite plus) I got to meander around with my four year old daughter and it just didn't take long at all to see all the displays. Honestly, if you've been to any of these indoor garden shows then you've seen everything that was there. The same old, same old varieties of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and hellebore. No one is really putting any thought into plant selection and the displays are showcasing the same outdoor sheds and fountains that I've seen so many times before.

On the other hand, one display was a fun, over the top tiki hut display and I also enjoyed the old country house display. There's also something to be said for any blooming plants in the first week of March. My daughter also had a great time and enjoyed the kids activity table put on by the Penn State Extension office. She was bummed that they didn't have the play set display that had been there in years past.

Speaking of the Penn State Extension Office, there booth was by far the most interesting to me and I really enjoyed talking with one of the volunteers about the Master Gardener Program. They had some great information on native plants, but I really could have skipped the grumpy old man at the "ask a gardener" table. (Apparently, you shouldn't ask THAT gardener anything).

Naturally, they had a large room full of garden themed vendors. I appreciated the plant selection there and made a few purchases. Honestly, I think the vendors are a bigger draw to me than the landscaping displays.

Will I go again? Maybe. Depends how desperate I feel next March for some Spring flowers. Should you go? If you feel desperate enough for flowers yourself. Or at least, you can get some great wine.

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