Thursday, May 23, 2019

How to Grow Chives and What to Do With Them

Recently, I was listening to a gardening podcast and the lady speaking referred to "confidence building plants". She didn't mention any specific plants but I immediately thought of chives. They are ridiculously easy to grow. If you have any interest in herbs, or in beautiful, edible landscaping  then you should try chives!

Chives are easiest to grow from a purchased plant but they are hardy perennials that will easily come back every year. In the Spring they have beautiful mauvish colored flowers that make nice cut flowers in arrangements. Both the leaves and flowers are edible and have a lovely, mild onion flavor. They are delicious in anything you'd enjoy onions in: eggs, potatoes, chicken, you name it.

When you bring your chives plant home, just plant in any soil with partial to full sun. It will do the rest.

The only way I'm aware of preserving chives is to freeze them. If you try to dry it then it looses all it's flavor. However, you can chop it up and freeze it in cubes to put in soups all winter. Have you grown chives? How do you like to use it?

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