Wednesday, May 15, 2019

An Update from My Yard

It's been some time since I've updated this blog with projects going on in my own backyard. As you might suppose for mid-May, it's been busy with lots going on. In the hopes it might inspire you in your garden endeavors, here's what I've been up to.

This past winter I spent probably too much time watching Monty Don videos on Youtube as he visited famous gardens all over the world. Consequently, I've decided to turn my vegetable garden into a French Potager. It's basically a productive garden with veggies, fruit, herbs and flowers that is also beautiful to look at. There's so much more to it than that but it'll have to be its own post.

It took a lot of effort but I finally got a large perennial bed put in on the east side of my house. Initially, I wanted to create a permaculture forest garden but it's not working out that way. It's very difficult to find plants that will tolerate wet, clay soil in partial shade. When I get this bed completely done, I'm going to share how I did it as a public service because it's not easy.

My strawberry plants and raspberry plants are looking awesome. If you're interested in growing strawberries of your own, check out this post. 

Because I planted garlic and perennial onions last October, they are looking fantastic now. I'm looking forward to harvesting them in July.

I was able to get all my veggies in but I'm still having trouble with my cucumbers and watermelon not sprouting. Don't feel bad if some of your seeds don't sprout - it happens to all of us. All you can do is follow the instructions on the packet and wait.

Now is a great time to plant all kinds of summer veggies and flowers. Get out this weekend and enjoy your garden!

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