Thursday, April 23, 2020

Planting Seeds 101

So, it's one of my favorite times of the year, planting time! Actually, I start planting onions sets in mid March and keep planting stuff till tulip bulbs in November. But Early May is the time to plant lots of stuff! Before you go and start your garden this year, be sure to review some basics so you'll be off to a good start.

First off, a few definitions. If you hear the term "direct sowing" it means sowing seeds directly into the ground outside. That's what this post is all about. "Seed starting" usually means sowing seeds indoors to give them a head start. That's not what this post is about.

Secondly, you must prepare the soil before planting. Do not skip this or you'll regret it! You've got to be sure the soil is weed free ahead of time, and also pick out any rocks. You'll also want to break up the top two inches of soil so it's loose and easy for seeds to spread their roots. It also never hurts to add some soil enrichment's like compost, composted cow manure or mushroom soil. The better your quality of soil, the better your plants will be.

Third, when you go to plant your seeds, be sure to read the package directions. As a general rule, the larger the seed, the deeper it goes. However, it's always best to read the package. Small seeds like radish and lettuce can just be sprinkled on top of the soil and larger seeds like beans go a few inches down.

Fourth, always water after you plant unless it's about to rain. It's very important that you keep the top few inches of soil moist at all times for the first few weeks to keep the baby plants watered. Once the seedlings are about 4 inches tall, you can lay off a bit.

Finally, if you're planting what's called a "heavy feeder" (a plant that needs A LOT of nutrients to grow well) like corn, tomatoes or melons, then consider giving it an extra sprinkle of organic fertilizer to give it a great start. I like Espoma brand because it's easy to find in the stores and works for just about any plant.

That's really all there is to it. Even children can plant seeds. So don't be intimidated! You can grow a garden too.

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